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Friday, March 4

Dajjal (definesi dalam wikipedia)

“Dajjal” (compare to “Devil”) is a common Arabic word, used in the sense of “false prophet”, but “Ad-Dajjal“, with the definite article, refers to “The Imposter“, a specific end-of times deceiver. The term Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal (Arabic for “The False Messiah”) is a literal translation of the Syriac term “Meshiha Deghala”, which had been in the common vocabulary of the Middle East and adapted into the Arabic language 400 years prior to the Qur’an via the Peshitta (which uses that term instead of the Greek “antichristos”). [1][2]

The belief is based around the events prior to the Day of Judgment around the Second Coming of The Christ, when ad-Dajjal shall gather an army of those he has deceived and lead them in a war against Jesus, who shall be accompanied by an army of the righteous.

He will appear somewhere between Syria and Iraq, at which time Jesus will return and defeat ad-Dajjal in Palestine. He will be unable to enter Mecca or Medina.

Linguistically, the reason for his name being “Masih-ad-Dajjal” is simply because Masih is a title given to one who travels extensively to increase their influence in the world. Jesus is also called masih because he will roam throughout the world to preach righteousness and virtue, whereas the Dajjal would travel around the world to do just the opposite. He would gain control over the whole world, which is the specific reason he is called ‘masih’. Essentialy, Jesus is the Masih of virtue and righteousness; Dajjal is the Masih of evil.[1]

The word Dajjal has two connotations: First, it signifies a group which supports falsehood and works with cunning and deceit. Secondly, it is the name of the Satan who is the father of all falsehood and corruption.[2]



Ia keturunan Adam, tubuhnya gemuk, kulitnya merah, rambutnya keriting dan lebat, matanya buta sebelah, seperti buah anggur yang tersembul. Di antara kedua matanya terdapat tulisan ka fa ra. Sifat-sifat inilah yang sangat nampak, sehingga jika ia muncul maka setiap orang yang beriman akan mengenalinya dan tidak terfitnah olehnya.
Ia merupakan fitnah terbesar yang akan dihadapi kaum muslimin. Tidak ada fitnah yang lebih dahsyat darinya. Masa hidup Dajjal di bumi untuk menebar fitnah adalah 40 hari. Satu hari pertama seperti setahun, satu hari kedua seperti satu bulan dan satu hari ketiga seperti satu pekan, hari beikutnya sama seperti hari-hari biasanya.
Dajjal akan keluar dari arah timur, dari Khurasan kampung Yahudiyah kota Ashbahan, ia akan keluar mengembara ke seluruh penjuru dunia. Ia akan keluar bersama 70.000 Yahudi yang menggunakan pakaian jubah tidak berjahit. Maka tidak ada satupun negri yang tidak dimasukinya kecuali Makkah dan Madinah, karena kedua kota itu selalu dijaga oleh malaikat.
Diantara fitnah Dajjal adalah:
Ia akan membawa surga dan neraka di tangannya, sehingga banyak orang yang tertipu. Sesungguhnya surga Dajjal adalah Neraka Allah yang amat panas, sedangkan neraka Dajjal adalah surga Allah yang dingin.

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